![]() 孙诤,男,1983年出生。上海海洋大学教授,博士生导师,水产与生命学院副院长。兼任中国水产学会生物饵料专业委员会秘书长、上海生物工程学会一碳生物技术专委会副主任委员、临港新片区海洋生物医药科技创新平台特聘专家。 孙诤毕业于香港大学,获生物科学博士学位,长期从事微藻生理与生物合成的研究。科研方面,承担国家基金委、教育部、上海市科委、教委、农委、以及工业界的十余项课题,并先后入选上海市、国家海洋局、自然资源部的青年高层次人才计划。教学方面,曾获上海市青教赛全英文教学三等奖,所主讲的专业必修课《植物生物学》、参与的专业必修课《食品营养学》先后获得教委认证,成为“上海高校国际学生英语授课示范性课程”,本人获上海海洋大学“教学能手”、教学成果一等奖等荣誉。 Zheng (Allen) Sun, Ph.D., Professor, Associate Dean of College of Fisheries and Life Science, SHOU Dr. Zheng (Allen) Sun is the author of these course materials. He obtained his PhD in Bioscience from University of Hong Kong in 2011 and joined Shanghai Ocean University in 2013. Allen is a specialist in microalgae biotechnology, committed to the fundamental and applied research of algal physiology and biosynthesis. He is the recipient of several young talent awards from Shanghai Municipality, China State Oceanic Administration, and Ministry of Natural Resources of China.